Promoting Kindness, Stopping Bullying

The school community has been diligently learning all about Kindness this month: how to be kind and be a friend to each other, to ourselves, to our school, to our community, and beyond! As we learn the best ways to be kind, we are also learning about how to prevent (and recognize) bullying. Bullying can happen to anyone, and as parents there are some great tools we can be prepared with to have these discussions.

We recommend this amazing resource, Bullying Stops Here! from the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils:

Pink Shirt Day is on February 22nd. Did you know that Pink Shirt Day is recognized around the world….but started in Nova Scotia? Here is some info all about Pink Shirt Day.

Being safe and respectful are the main themes of our school’s conduct. A reminder of our school’s code of conduct.


Orange Shirt Day


Understanding Stress