What is PAC(Parent Advisory Council)?
Ever wondered what exactly a school PAC is? Ever wondered how exactly you can get involved or “IF” you should get involved? Ever worry it would be an enormous, time
consuming endeavour and avoid participation?Well if you said yes to any of the above, you are one of many.Here is a little information to help answer some questions you might have and hopefully debunk some of the myths.
Why is a PAC important?
The School Act gives parents the right, through Parent Advisory Councils (PACs), to provide feedback in their school. PAC is the official recognized collective voice of parents of their school. PACs are forums within each school community to discuss matters affecting your school and the education of your children. Parents’ voices are a tremendous value to schools. They offer a wealth of ideas and support in the challenges. PACs strive to assist the school by:
providing opportunities to educate and inform parents about the school
engaging parents in volunteer activities; and
openly discussing parents’ concerns and aspirations for their schools.
PACs, with strong participation from parents, have an important influence on life at the school and the feelings the community has toward the school and education. There is strong evidence that increased parent involvement in the school results in increased student achievement, accomplishment, satisfaction, and bonding all of which result in decreased dropout rates and better citizens.
Who Can Become a Member of PAC?
All parents and guardians of students registered in the school are encouraged to participate and be active members of the PAC. PAC welcomes participation from all parents. There is always a way you can contribute that fits with your skills and time Through the elected officials (i.e. parents on PAC that have been identified in roles such as President, Treasurer etc.) , PACs communicate with the parents regarding general information, issues and opportunities related to the school. In addition to PAC meetings, communication may also be done through, newsletters, telephone, email, and websites so that all parents have the opportunity for input.
Role of a PAC
To advise the school principal and staff on parents’ views and feedback about school programs, policies, plans and activities.
To organize activities, events and endeavor to provide parent education.
To encourage and exchange ideas between parents, administration, staff, students and the community.
To maintain a working relationship between parents, administration, staff, students and the community.
To communicate with parents, and to promote co-operation between the home and the school in providing support for the education of children.
To assist parents in accessing the system and to advocate on behalf of parents and students.
To contribute to the effectiveness of the school by promoting the involvement of parents and other community members.
To provide financial support for the goals of the PAC, as determined by its membership. In Naramata, this has resulted in unique recreation opportunities for our children.
We’d love to have you with us!! Your ideas, your time and your heart are important to the school, to this village and most importantly to our kids!
We meet monthly, and all meetings are open to all parents of current students. See this link for our next meeting.
We hope you will join us and feel free to reach out to if you have questions.
For more information on PAC’s across the province please visit: